
GWT (Google web toolkit)

This is our favourite technology. In 2007 we were the first in Latvia who started using it in big projects. It allows building web based systems with DHTML and AJAX based interface. Business apps with such interface are faster, more user-friendly and they reduce the web server load when compared to business apps built with traditional technologies.


GWT based framework (developed by us) that significantly increases business app development speed and quality. At the moment most projects are developed using this technology.


Java EE

We have been using Java EE technology since 2004 for sufficiently sophisticated projects where three level architecture (Database – App server – Interface app (desktop or web)) is needed.
In such cases we typically use open source Java app server JBOSS.
We have widely used traditional java web technologies, for example, JSP, JSF, desktop app technology SWING, Java EE traditional frameworks (Hibernate, Jasper reports, Axis, JRules etc.).

Java ME

We also have a good knowledge of java mobile app frameworks.


Our associated company Mediaparks is one of the most experienced companies in Latvia when it comes to developing IT systems with PHP technology.

Video streaming


This is a commercial product for video streaming solutions


We use this solution as an open source solution for video streaming as well as other Flash real time solutions.

VOIP telephone central


We use this technology for various purposes – from office telephone central solutions to integration with CRM apps for call central solutions.


We are Oracle partners in Latvia.

Oracle DB

In most projects the Oracle DB is used as database. We are very experienced in configuring databases with load division.

Oracle Business Intelligence

We are experienced in Oracle BI data warehouse and report system development.

Oracle SOA suite.

We develop solutions based on the components of this product: ESB (Enterprise service Bus), Human workflow, Rules.


Extensive experience in development of various solutions and configuration of complete systems based on Linux OS – virtualization, monitoring, load division for web servers and file repositories, system programming etc.

Business Intelligence

Oracle Business Intelligence

We are experienced in Oracle BI data warehouse and report system development.

Pentaho BI

We also use open source BI solution Pentaho.

Enterprise Service Bus

Oracle ESB

In organization system integration projects we use Oracle ESB as a commercial project.


This is our favourite open source ESB solution.